[25F] Anyone else here use hentai during sex?

Me and my bf are massive nerds when it comes to anime, we watch together, collectibles, etc. but recently I discovered a massive box of hentai magazines (now dubbed Pandora’s box) hidden away at his place. I was feeling a bit weird about it at first and the fact that he’s been hiding it from me for at least a year but we talked it out.Hot damn the amount of fetishes this stuff provides is insane, he showed me around his favourite artists and stuff I might like and I was surprisingly into it, we decided to try having sex while I read and I think it helped me get past my mental blocks and have my first orgasm!Now I keep a little tablet on me so I can read online without risking his collection and we’re experimenting with all the crazy stuff we see, some of works and some of it doesn’t but it’s extremely arousing either way. Now I’ve managed to orgasm like 6 times a session which is just insane and my bf loves it!Is there anyone else here on r/sex who use hentai as part of their sex life? A month ago I would’ve never considered it but it’s been shockingly eye-opening via /r/sex https://ift.tt/2IAcbD1

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