Advice coming from a teenage fatass.

Here I am at 17 years old and 36% bodyfat. At this point I believe that I have swallowed the Red Pill as there are many good points and logically undeniable truths to it. The one thing in particular I want to go over (and it's probably been posted many times on here) is obesity and how it absolutely kills your SMV (sexually and socially).The first thing that comes to peoples minds when they look at a fat person is their ugly appearance (or borderline ugly). Being fat makes your masculine features much less defined and it lowers your testosterone, making you look less masculine and unappealing to the opposite sex. This is especially bad if you're like me and have facial features that don't look good with a bunch of chin and cheek fat.When all of this becomes really noticeable while looking in the mirror, your confidence TANKS, and you're body language will show this.When looking deeper into this, it also shows people that you lack the self respect, self love, willpower, and self discipline to take care of yourself in best manner possible. And they're right! If you don't have a metabolic disorder or a thyroid problem then the only way you can fall into obesity is if you sit on your ass all day with no activity and a shitty, unhealthy, and oversized diet. Women do not want some fat loser who plays video games and beats his meat to hentai all day while eating Doritos and chugging 5 gallons of Mt. Dew every day. Nobody wants to be friends with those fuckers either.So if you're in my position where you look like one of those losers, cut some calories, eat healthy, and lift some heavy ass weights. While you're at it, engage in other healthy activities like meditating and NoFap (if you are addicted to porn). Talking to people in general also helps (make sure you shave the neckbeard and take a fucking shower).By the way, this is my first post in this subreddit, all criticism is accepted. via /r/TheRedPill

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