F4A DropOut

A Unique College Preparatory Academy has been established, the harshness of its programs and curriculum are well known but not much is known about the exact details inside. A 2 year school for high school graduates with a program designed to ensure the best out of the student's college experience. Why would you delay college by 2 years, well increased networking opportunities, a better resume, a money back guarantee that if you graduate you will make more money and be more successful in the first 5 years of college graduation than your peers. A brutal school where failure and mediocrity is not an option. If you don't make the cut you are sent away no questions asked, no hope of saving yourself. The public face of the Academy is as above but the sinister reality inside its walls is much different. The bottom 10% of students are culled and placed into the DropOut program, other means of work and education are found for these failures. Once you enroll in the Academy your two years of tuition is paid up front and you do not leave, as a DropOut, you can be relegated to Janitorial Duties or even farming on the school's garden. However if you are physically attractive, your position is much worse...you are given to an honor student as a slave....Literally and they can do whatever they wish with you, if you run, you are pound for public use by the massess. There is no escape. Slaves have no rights, they can be beaten, mistreated, starved, fucked, raped as long as at the end of their two years they appear normal. I would play your slave, I could be a bad girl sentenced to slavery for misbehavior, I could have been an honor student that was forcefully brought down due to some mass conspiracy. I could somehow end up a slave to a teacher. Who knows, we can explore this in more detail, I would love to hear from you and flesh out our specific play. This is based on the Hentai DropOut via /r/dirtypenpals http://ift.tt/2AnkBpF

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